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digitalmars.D.learn - Using ImportC to augment a big C project with D

reply Carl Sturtivant <sturtivant gmail.com> writes:
I just saw the announcement that macros with parameters are now 
translated into D by ImportC. Incredible! Congratulations to all 

As an occasional D user, I have long wanted a fast route to using 
D with an existing large C project (100K lines approximately).

I want to replace the C main program with a D main function that 
calls the old C main function (suitably renamed) to change the 
command line arguments that can be supplied, and with the helpful 
side effect that druntime is properly initialized. I want to 
replace some C files with D ones. (I am cognizant of GC issues 
here, this is not what I am asking about.)

Now I can use ImportC with all of the header files to make the D 
replacement files easy to write correctly. Perhaps I can use 
ImportC for all of the C source.

When the resulting executable runs it will have D call C which in 
turn calls D. In that last D (the D files replacing some C 
files), if I throw an exception and don't catch it in the D files 
that replace some C files, will it propagate correctly to the D 
main function where I can catch it?

The C source calls exit() from C's stdlib, and D needs to 
terminate properly. Throwing an exception and catching it in D's 
main function seems to be a way to achieve this. What is the best 
way to deal with exit() ?

I want to use D's remarkable Fiber class to reimplement a 
deterministic stack changing context switch that in the original 
project is achieved with assembly code on a per-platform basis. 
This will mean that D's main function will call C which will call 
D which will effect a context switch. Is there any reason to 
believe this will work as naively hoped?
Feb 20
next sibling parent reply Bastiaan Veelo <Bastiaan Veelo.net> writes:
On Tuesday, 20 February 2024 at 18:33:42 UTC, Carl Sturtivant 
 The C source calls exit() from C's stdlib, and D needs to 
 terminate properly.
What do you mean by "need"? You can call https://dlang.org/phobos/core_stdc_stdlib.html#.exit from D: ```d import std.stdio; void main() { scope(exit) writeln("Bye"); import core.stdc.stdlib : exit; exit(0); } shared static ~this() { writeln(__FUNCTION__); } ``` Output: ``` onlineapp._sharedStaticDtor_L11_C1 ``` So it does run module destructors, but not `scope(exit)` statements (which probably makes sense). I would expect `exit()` called from the C source to have similar results. --Bastiaan
Feb 21
parent Carl Sturtivant <sturtivant gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 21 February 2024 at 12:45:50 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo 
 What do you mean by "need"? You can call 
 https://dlang.org/phobos/core_stdc_stdlib.html#.exit from D:
Of course, but does it respect D shutdown?

 So it does run module destructors, but not `scope(exit)` 
 statements (which probably makes sense).
So it doesn't respect D shutdown, i.e. what happens when returning from main with an error code.
 I would expect `exit()` called from the C source to have 
 similar results.
Why is that? I just found this. [Proper way to exit with specific exit code?](https://forum.dlang.org/thread/bavfkowjjcijeshrtisl forum.dlang.org)
Feb 21
prev sibling parent Carl Sturtivant <sturtivant gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 20 February 2024 at 18:33:42 UTC, Carl Sturtivant 
 When the resulting executable runs it will have D call C which 
 in turn calls D. In that last D (the D files replacing some C 
 files), if I throw an exception and don't catch it in the D 
 files that replace some C files, will it propagate correctly to 
 the D main function where I can catch it?
My understanding is that [this reply](https://forum.dlang.org/post/ur5g46$fmb$1 digitalmars.com) indicates that this works. Exceptions thrown by D can be caught by D in general in the presence of ImportC.
 The C source calls exit() from C's stdlib, and D needs to 
 terminate properly. Throwing an exception and catching it in 
 D's main function seems to be a way to achieve this. What is 
 the best way to deal with exit() ?
So I can simulate C's exit() by throwing an exception and catching it in main() as [suggested here](https://forum.dlang.org/post/mailman.5856.1600355565.31109.digitalmars-d-learn puremagic.com).
 I want to use D's remarkable Fiber class to reimplement a 
 deterministic stack changing context switch that in the 
 original project is achieved with assembly code on a 
 per-platform basis. This will mean that D's main function will 
 call C which will call D which will effect a context switch. Is 
 there any reason to believe this will work as naively hoped?
I'll have to proceed experimentally, but I'd like to know in advance if this is doomed. Anyone?
Feb 21