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digitalmars.D.announce - tshare/1.0 a fast way to share file using transfer.sh

reply Andrea Fontana <nospam example.org> writes:
I've just released a simple tool for sharing files (similar to 
WeTransfer) directly from the terminal.

Usage is incredibly straightforward:

Run ```dub build tshare``` to build the tool.
Use ```tshare /your/file``` to share your file, which will 
generate a public link.

For additional options, you can explore by running tshare -h.

On GitHub: https://github.com/trikko/tshare

Best regards,
Oct 04 2023
parent reply Andrea Fontana <nospam example.org> writes:
On Wednesday, 4 October 2023 at 23:02:39 UTC, Andrea Fontana 
 I've just released a simple tool for sharing files (similar to 
 WeTransfer) directly from the terminal.
News: - Added support for encryption (if gpg is available) - Added binaries built by github - Improved UI Question: - Is there a way to compile curl statically with ldc for windows? If I try (using -static), it throws a runtime error. Andrea
Oct 07 2023
parent reply kinke <kinke libero.it> writes:
On Saturday, 7 October 2023 at 22:40:58 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
 - Is there a way to compile curl statically with ldc for 
 windows? If I try (using -static), it throws a runtime error.
Yes; IIRC, you need to link `curl_a.lib` *and* add `curl.exp` (as Phobos tries to find the exported functions in the .exe itself) to the linker cmdline too (both files in the LDC lib dir).
Oct 11 2023
next sibling parent Imperatorn <johan_forsberg_86 hotmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 11 October 2023 at 14:30:50 UTC, kinke wrote:
 On Saturday, 7 October 2023 at 22:40:58 UTC, Andrea Fontana 
 - Is there a way to compile curl statically with ldc for 
 windows? If I try (using -static), it throws a runtime error.
Yes; IIRC, you need to link `curl_a.lib` *and* add `curl.exp` (as Phobos tries to find the exported functions in the .exe itself) to the linker cmdline too (both files in the LDC lib dir).
Someone should add this to the wiki
Oct 11 2023
prev sibling parent Andrea Fontana <nospam example.org> writes:
On Wednesday, 11 October 2023 at 14:30:50 UTC, kinke wrote:
 On Saturday, 7 October 2023 at 22:40:58 UTC, Andrea Fontana 
 - Is there a way to compile curl statically with ldc for 
 windows? If I try (using -static), it throws a runtime error.
Yes; IIRC, you need to link `curl_a.lib` *and* add `curl.exp` (as Phobos tries to find the exported functions in the .exe itself) to the linker cmdline too (both files in the LDC lib dir).
You're right! On dub this works: ``` dflags "-link-defaultlib-shared=false" platform="ldc" dflags "-static" platform="windows" lflags "curl_a.lib" "crypt32.lib" "wldap32.lib" "curl.exp" platform="windows" ``` Thank you, Andrea
Oct 12 2023