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digitalmars.D - How many HOFs in Phobos?

reply bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
This is a high-level implementation of Levenshtein distance in Haskell:

levenshtein s1 s2 = last $ foldl transform [0 .. length s1] s2
  where transform ns (n:ns') c = scanl calc (n+1) $ zip3 s1 ns ns'
          where calc z (c', x, y) = minimum [y+1, z+1, x + fromEnum (c' /= c)]

main = print (levenshtein "kitten" "sitting")

(I don't explain that Haskell code because below I give a kind of D translation
that is probably enough to understand.)
It prints 3, the code comes from the rosettacode.org site:

Currently in std.algorithm there are higher order functions (HOFs) like "map",
"filter", "reduce" etc, reduce is the right fold.

That Haskell code uses a foldl (fold left), and scanl (like foldl, but keeps
and returns all intermediate values too). This is a brutal translation to D2:

import std.stdio, std.range, std.array, std.algorithm, std.typecons;

/// foldl f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == (...((z `f` x1) `f` x2) `f`...) `f` xn
T1 foldl(F, T1, Range)(F f, T1 z, Range xs) {
    foreach (x; xs)
        z = f(z, x);
    return z;

/// scanl f z [x1, x2, ...] == [z, z `f` x1, (z `f` x1) `f` x2, ...]
T1[] scanl(F, T1, Range)(F f, T1 z, Range xs) {
    auto result = [z];
    foreach (x; xs) {
        z = f(z, x);
        result ~= z;
    return result;

auto levenshtein(string s1, string s2) {
    int[] transform(int[] ns, char c) {
        auto n = ns[0];
        auto ns2 = ns[1..$];
        int compute(int z, Tuple!(dchar, int, int) t) {
            return min(t[2]+1, z+1, t[1] + (t[0] != c));
        return scanl(&compute, n+1, zip(s1, ns, ns2));
    return foldl(&transform, array(iota(cast(int)s1.length+1)), s2)[$-1];

void main() {
    string add(string x, string y) { return x ~ y; }
    writeln(foldl(&add, "", ["ab", "cd", "ef"])); // "abcdef"
    writeln(scanl(&add, "", ["ab", "cd", "ef"])); // ["", "ab", "abcd",

    writeln(levenshtein("kitten", "sitting")); // 3

Haskell has tons of built-in HOFs (monadic ones too, like foldM), but D is less
functional than Haskell, and reading highly functional-style code is not easy
for many programmers (and D syntax limits make such code noisy). What's the
right number of HOFs to put in std.algorithm+std.range? Are (better
implementations of) scanl and foldl fit for Phobos? (I am not suggesting to
rename "reduce" to "foldr". You may add an "alias reduce foldr;" if you want,
but that's all).

Hours ago I have added this suggestion to bugzilla:

Jan 31 2011
parent reply Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 1/31/11 3:37 PM, bearophile wrote:
 This is a high-level implementation of Levenshtein distance in Haskell:

 levenshtein s1 s2 = last $ foldl transform [0 .. length s1] s2
    where transform ns (n:ns') c = scanl calc (n+1) $ zip3 s1 ns ns'
            where calc z (c', x, y) = minimum [y+1, z+1, x + fromEnum (c' /= c)]

 main = print (levenshtein "kitten" "sitting")

 (I don't explain that Haskell code because below I give a kind of D
translation that is probably enough to understand.)
 It prints 3, the code comes from the rosettacode.org site:

 Currently in std.algorithm there are higher order functions (HOFs) like "map",
"filter", "reduce" etc, reduce is the right fold.

 That Haskell code uses a foldl (fold left), and scanl (like foldl, but keeps
and returns all intermediate values too). This is a brutal translation to D2:

 import std.stdio, std.range, std.array, std.algorithm, std.typecons;

 /// foldl f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == (...((z `f` x1) `f` x2) `f`...) `f` xn
 T1 foldl(F, T1, Range)(F f, T1 z, Range xs) {
      foreach (x; xs)
          z = f(z, x);
      return z;

 /// scanl f z [x1, x2, ...] == [z, z `f` x1, (z `f` x1) `f` x2, ...]
 T1[] scanl(F, T1, Range)(F f, T1 z, Range xs) {
      auto result = [z];
      foreach (x; xs) {
          z = f(z, x);
          result ~= z;
      return result;

 auto levenshtein(string s1, string s2) {
      int[] transform(int[] ns, char c) {
          auto n = ns[0];
          auto ns2 = ns[1..$];
          int compute(int z, Tuple!(dchar, int, int) t) {
              return min(t[2]+1, z+1, t[1] + (t[0] != c));
          return scanl(&compute, n+1, zip(s1, ns, ns2));
      return foldl(&transform, array(iota(cast(int)s1.length+1)), s2)[$-1];

 void main() {
      string add(string x, string y) { return x ~ y; }
      writeln(foldl(&add, "", ["ab", "cd", "ef"])); // "abcdef"
      writeln(scanl(&add, "", ["ab", "cd", "ef"])); // ["", "ab", "abcd",

      writeln(levenshtein("kitten", "sitting")); // 3

 Haskell has tons of built-in HOFs (monadic ones too, like foldM), but D is
less functional than Haskell, and reading highly functional-style code is not
easy for many programmers (and D syntax limits make such code noisy). What's
the right number of HOFs to put in std.algorithm+std.range? Are (better
implementations of) scanl and foldl fit for Phobos? (I am not suggesting to
rename "reduce" to "foldr". You may add an "alias reduce foldr;" if you want,
but that's all).

 Hours ago I have added this suggestion to bugzilla:

Thanks for this work. The Haskell implementation doesn't scale. My testbed: levenshtein s1 s2 = last $ foldl transform [0 .. length s1] s2 where transform ns (n:ns') c = scanl calc (n+1) $ zip3 s1 ns ns' where calc z (c', x, y) = minimum [y+1, z+1, x + fromEnum (c' /= c)] n = 4 s = concat $ replicate n "kitten" t = concat $ replicate n "sitting" main = print (levenshtein s t) I assigned n doubling values: 4 8 16 32 64 ... and measured the running times gave me: 4 -> 3ms 8 -> 4ms 16 -> 8ms 32 -> 32ms 64 -> 137ms 128 -> 607ms 256 -> 2.6s 512 -> 15.8s 1024 -> 78s 2048 -> doesn't finish with -O, crashes without -O I used ghc -O on a top-of-the-line server (8 cores, 64 GB RAM). Then I ran your implementation on a MacBook Pro with dmd -O -release -inline: 4 -> 4ms 8 -> 4ms 16 -> 6ms 32 -> 11ms 64 -> 36ms 128 -> 108ms 256 -> 402ms 512 -> 1.59s 1024 -> 6.36s 2048 -> 25.43s 4096 -> 100.2s Finally, on the same laptop and with the same options I ran the std-provided levenshteinDistance, obtaining: 4 -> 5ms 8 -> 5ms 16 -> 5ms 32 -> 6ms 64 -> 11ms 128 -> 33ms 256 -> 112ms 512 -> 431ms 1024 -> 1.8s 2048 -> 7.9s 4096 -> 37.9s Note that levenshteinDistance is more general (works with any forward ranges, automatically performs correct UTF decoding, accepts custom comparison). The trend of the two D implementations is quadratic: time required is 4x upon doubling the size of the input. The trend of the Haskell implementation is super-quadratic. Note that reduce is akin to foldl, not foldr. To answer your question, adding functional primitives to Phobos is good but should be done in moderation; a staunch functional approach is not always the most recommendable. Andrei
Jan 31 2011
parent reply bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:

 Thanks for this work.
My pleasure :-)
 The Haskell implementation doesn't scale.
I was quite aware that Haskell version is designed for being short, not fast. But I was not aware of the precise trends of the various versions, and I am surprised to see how much efficient is my ugly D2 version compared to that fully lazy Haskell version. As usual doing experiments teaches something :-)
 My testbed:
This time it's you doing the bencharks :-) If you want you may benchmark this version too, adapted to D2 from my dlibs1, the timings I'm seeing here are interesting: http://codepad.org/Kf2FMMN9 Uncommenting a different lines of code it allows you to benchmark three versions, two from Phobos2.
 Note that reduce is akin to foldl, not foldr.
Sorry for my mistake. Bye and thank you, bearophile
Jan 31 2011
parent reply Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
bearophile wrote:
 The Haskell implementation doesn't scale.
I was quite aware that Haskell version is designed for being short, not fast.
It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
Feb 01 2011
next sibling parent Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 2/1/11 12:34 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
 bearophile wrote:
 The Haskell implementation doesn't scale.
I was quite aware that Haskell version is designed for being short, not fast.
It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
I'm not sure whether it's exponential, polynomial greater than quadratic, or simply quadratic (as it should) with large inefficiencies attached. Maybe a Haskell expert could clarify that. Andrei
Feb 01 2011
prev sibling parent reply bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas). Bye, bearophile
Feb 01 2011
next sibling parent reply Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:27:32 bearophile wrote:
 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas).
The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be designed with performance in mind. Anything which isn't efficient needs to have a very good reason for its existence which balances out its lack of efficiency. If the Haskell implementation isn't performant enough, then it doesn't cut it for Phobos, even if it's a good fit for Haskell. - Jonathan M Davis
Feb 01 2011
next sibling parent reply Daniel Gibson <metalcaedes gmail.com> writes:
Am 01.02.2011 21:53, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:
 On Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:27:32 bearophile wrote:
 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas).
The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be designed with performance in mind. Anything which isn't efficient needs to have a very good reason for its existence which balances out its lack of efficiency. If the Haskell implementation isn't performant enough, then it doesn't cut it for Phobos, even if it's a good fit for Haskell. - Jonathan M Davis
Well, he didn't want the slow Levenshtein implementation in Phobos (if I understood correctly), but more higher order functions like fold*. These are not inherently slow and are most probably useful to implement fast functions as well ;)
Feb 01 2011
parent reply Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 2/1/11 2:58 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
 Am 01.02.2011 21:53, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:
 On Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:27:32 bearophile wrote:
 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas).
The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be designed with performance in mind. Anything which isn't efficient needs to have a very good reason for its existence which balances out its lack of efficiency. If the Haskell implementation isn't performant enough, then it doesn't cut it for Phobos, even if it's a good fit for Haskell. - Jonathan M Davis
Well, he didn't want the slow Levenshtein implementation in Phobos (if I understood correctly), but more higher order functions like fold*. These are not inherently slow and are most probably useful to implement fast functions as well ;)
The fact that foldl and foldr are only one letter apart is a design mistake. They have very different behavior, yet many functional programmers consider them largely interchangeable and are genuinely surprised when they hear the relative tradeoffs. std.algorithm.reduce implements foldl, as it should. Simulating foldr on bidirectional ranges is as easy as reduce(retro(range)). Defining Haskell-style foldr on forward ranges would be difficult because it needs lazy evaluation through and through, and is at danger because people may use it naively. For more info see the best answer at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3429634/haskell-foldl-vs-foldr-question. Andrei
Feb 01 2011
next sibling parent Daniel Gibson <metalcaedes gmail.com> writes:
Am 01.02.2011 22:30, schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
 On 2/1/11 2:58 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
 Am 01.02.2011 21:53, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:
 On Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:27:32 bearophile wrote:
 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas).
The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be designed with performance in mind. Anything which isn't efficient needs to have a very good reason for its existence which balances out its lack of efficiency. If the Haskell implementation isn't performant enough, then it doesn't cut it for Phobos, even if it's a good fit for Haskell. - Jonathan M Davis
Well, he didn't want the slow Levenshtein implementation in Phobos (if I understood correctly), but more higher order functions like fold*. These are not inherently slow and are most probably useful to implement fast functions as well ;)
The fact that foldl and foldr are only one letter apart is a design mistake. They have very different behavior, yet many functional programmers consider them largely interchangeable and are genuinely surprised when they hear the relative tradeoffs. std.algorithm.reduce implements foldl, as it should. Simulating foldr on bidirectional ranges is as easy as reduce(retro(range)). Defining Haskell-style foldr on forward ranges would be difficult because it needs lazy evaluation through and through, and is at danger because people may use it naively. For more info see the best answer at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3429634/haskell-foldl-vs-foldr-question. Andrei
Thanks for the link :-) I haven't used Haskell (or any other functional language) in a few years so I forgot these details (to be honest, I don't think I understood the implications explained in the stackoverflow post back then - I was happy when my Haskell programs did what the exercises demanded). I think that reduce as a non-lazy foldl is what people mostly need/want when they use folding. But I'm not sure if a lazy foldr (with whatever name to prevent people from using it accidentally) may be useful.. I guess it's only useful when a list (or, in D, range) is returned, i.e. the input list/range isn't really reduced like when just calculating a sum or minimum or whatever. I'm trying to think of use cases for this, but none (that aren't covered by map) come to (my) mind - but this may be just because my brain isn't used to functional programming anymore. Cheers, - Daniel
Feb 01 2011
prev sibling parent reply bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
Jonathan M Davis:

The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be
designed with performance in mind. Anything which isn't efficient needs to have
a very good reason for its existence which balances out its lack of efficiency.
If the Haskell implementation isn't performant enough, then it doesn't cut it
for Phobos, even if it's a good fit for Haskell.<
I think you have misunderstood the discussion, or maybe I just don't understand you. My discussion was about HOFs, not about Levenshtein distance (I've shown a fast one, but it's probably not usable for Phobos because of license issues: http://codepad.org/s0ezEojU ). --------------------- Andrei:
The fact that foldl and foldr are only one letter apart is a design mistake.<
I agree, mostly :-)
But something like foldr that uses head recursion would be indeed rather
dangerous to include.<
std.algorithm.reduce implements foldl, as it should. Simulating foldr on
bidirectional ranges is as easy as reduce(retro(range)). Defining Haskell-style
foldr on forward ranges would be difficult because it needs lazy evaluation
through and through, and is at danger because people may use it naively.
Python2 has only the foldr, probably to keep language simpler & safer to use. Python3 has moved reduce from the language to the std library. So far I have needed both kinds of folds in D only to translate some small programs from Haskell to D (and in this case I have even once confused the two folds, as you have noted), so probably I will be able to survive without a (better renamed) foldr in Phobos, if you don't want it for "safety" for naive programmers. ------------------ But there are other HOFs that may be useful (they are in dlibs1 too): - "nest" (or iterate), to apply one function many times: nest(sin, 0.2, 4) === sin(sin(sin(sin(0.2)))) - Something similar, that keeps all the intermediate results. It's sometimes named nestList, but in D it may be lazy. ------------------ There is another problem, shown by std.functional.compose. See the part about D here: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/First-class_functions#D This task asks things like (more details on the rosettacode page): - Create new functions from preexisting functions at run-time - Store functions in collections - Use functions as arguments to other functions - Use functions as return values of other functions To do it "well enough" the D implementation doesn't want to use std.functional.compose and defines a more dynamic one, able to use run time delegates: private import std.math ; import std.stdio ; T delegate(S) compose(T, U, S)(T delegate(U) f, U delegate(S) g) { return (S s) { return f(g(s)); }; } void main() { // warper need as not all built-in real functions // have same signature , eg pure/nothrow auto sin = delegate (real x) { return std.math.sin(x) ; } ; auto asin = delegate (real x) { return std.math.asin(x) ; } ; auto cos = delegate (real x) { return std.math.cos(x) ; } ; auto acos = delegate (real x) { return std.math.acos(x) ; } ; auto cube = delegate (real x) { return x*x*x ; } ; auto cbrt = delegate (real x) { return std.math.cbrt(x) ; } ; // built-in : sin/cos/asin/acos/cbrt user:cube auto fun = [sin, cos, cube] ; auto inv = [asin, acos, cbrt] ; foreach(i, f ; fun) writefln("%6.3f", compose(f, inv[i])(0.5)) ; } You are able to write a similar program with std.functional.compose too, but using tuples instead of arrays, this is less flexible: import std.stdio, std.typetuple, std.functional; private import std.math; void main() { // wrappers needed as not all built-in functions // have same signature, eg pure/nothrow auto sin = (real x) { return std.math.sin(x); }; auto asin = (real x) { return std.math.asin(x); }; auto cos = (real x) { return std.math.cos(x); }; auto acos = (real x) { return std.math.acos(x); }; auto cube = (real x) { return x ^^ 3; }; auto cbrt = (real x) { return std.math.cbrt(x); }; alias TypeTuple!(sin, cos, cube) dir; alias TypeTuple!(asin, acos, cbrt) inv; foreach (i, f; dir) writefln("%6.3f", compose!(f, inv[i])(0.5)); } This questions the design of std.functional.compose. Bye, bearophile
Feb 01 2011
next sibling parent reply Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 2/1/11 7:17 PM, bearophile wrote:
 But there are other HOFs that may be useful (they are in dlibs1 too):

 - "nest" (or iterate), to apply one function many times:
 nest(sin, 0.2, 4) === sin(sin(sin(sin(0.2))))
I'd be glad to include such a function if there were good use cases for it. Fixed-point iteration is interesting in math, but in practice you don't just run it naively, e.g. you run it once and check for a termination condition (which may be quite involved when e.g. doing linear algebra; my dissertation uses a lot of fixed-point iteration). To wit, the sin example sucks. At what time have you been at a point in life when you wanted to do not only a few iterations of sin against its own result, but actually you want to be able to express that very notion as a sole function? It at least you chose cos, I would have been more sympathetic because fixed point iteration it's a way to solving cos(x) = x. SICP has if I remember correctly a couple of nice examples of iterations for computing pi and sqrt, but those are recurrences, not fixed point iterations. For that we already have std.range.recurrence which is more general. To do fixed point with sequence is trivial: auto s = recurrence!"sin(a[n-1])"(1.0); The main point is that there are very strong examples for recurrences.
 - Something similar, that keeps all the intermediate results. It's sometimes
named nestList, but in D it may be lazy.
I think better examples could be found for that one, but... still tenuous. What's wrong with array, take, and recurrence? You _already_ have in D better abstractions that those you think you want to bring over from functional languages. You have edit distance that laughs Haskell's out the door, you have recurrence that makes iterate look like a useless oddity, you have range refinements that bring you the best of foldr without the cost...

 There is another problem, shown by std.functional.compose. See the part about
D here:

 This task asks things like (more details on the rosettacode page):
 - Create new functions from preexisting functions at run-time
 - Store functions in collections
 - Use functions as arguments to other functions
 - Use functions as return values of other functions

 To do it "well enough" the D implementation doesn't want to use
std.functional.compose and defines a more dynamic one, able to use run time

 private import std.math ;
 import std.stdio ;

 T delegate(S) compose(T, U, S)(T delegate(U) f, U delegate(S) g) {
      return (S s) { return f(g(s)); };

 void main() {
 	// warper need as not all built-in real functions
 	// have same signature , eg pure/nothrow
 	auto sin  = delegate (real x) { return std.math.sin(x) ; } ;
 	auto asin = delegate (real x) { return std.math.asin(x) ; } ;
 	auto cos  = delegate (real x) { return std.math.cos(x) ; } ;
 	auto acos = delegate (real x) { return std.math.acos(x) ; } ;
 	auto cube = delegate (real x) { return x*x*x ; } ;
 	auto cbrt = delegate (real x) { return std.math.cbrt(x) ; } ;

 	// built-in : sin/cos/asin/acos/cbrt user:cube
 	auto fun = [sin,  cos,  cube] ;
 	auto inv = [asin, acos, cbrt] ;

 	foreach(i, f ; fun)
 		writefln("%6.3f", compose(f, inv[i])(0.5)) ;

 You are able to write a similar program with std.functional.compose too, but
using tuples instead of arrays, this is less flexible:

 import std.stdio, std.typetuple, std.functional;
 private import std.math;

 void main() {
      // wrappers needed as not all built-in functions
      // have same signature, eg pure/nothrow
      auto sin  = (real x) { return std.math.sin(x); };
      auto asin = (real x) { return std.math.asin(x); };
      auto cos  = (real x) { return std.math.cos(x); };
      auto acos = (real x) { return std.math.acos(x); };
      auto cube = (real x) { return x ^^ 3; };
      auto cbrt = (real x) { return std.math.cbrt(x); };

      alias TypeTuple!(sin,  cos,  cube) dir;
      alias TypeTuple!(asin, acos, cbrt) inv;

      foreach (i, f; dir)
          writefln("%6.3f", compose!(f, inv[i])(0.5));

 This questions the design of std.functional.compose.
More like it spurs the language to allow better local instantiation. Andrei
Feb 01 2011
parent bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:

Thank you for your answers. Learning to use Phobos algorithms very well takes

You have edit distance that laughs Haskell's out the door,<
The edit distance code in Phobos2 is about 129 lines long (without comments and blank lines), while that Haskell version I've shown is 3 lines long and it was never designed to be library code. Probably there are ways to write a longer Haskell version of the edit distance that's no more than about two times slower than any D version. On the other hand the dlibs1 library version of the edit distance I've shown is about 10 times faster than the Phobos2 edit distance for that benchmark (but it's less flexible, it doesn't deal with UTF8/16) (and I've seen less troubles with memory allocation too). I have closed enhancement request 5510, keeping zombie enhancement requests open is bad :-)
 More like it spurs the language to allow better local instantiation.
I think you refer to a recent nice enhancement request. But I am not sure that's enough to regain the dynamism of run-time function pointers. Bye, bearophile
Feb 02 2011
prev sibling parent spir <denis.spir gmail.com> writes:
On 02/02/2011 02:17 AM, bearophile wrote:
 But there are other HOFs that may be useful (they are in dlibs1 too):

 - "nest" (or iterate), to apply one function many times:
 nest(sin, 0.2, 4) === sin(sin(sin(sin(0.2))))
'iterate' would be great if it didn't have a different meaning in programming already.
 - Something similar, that keeps all the intermediate results. It's sometimes
named nestList, but in D it may be lazy.
Nice to compute (math) series, I guess. What other uses? Anyway, both are replaced by one line of D, don't you think?
 There is another problem, shown by std.functional.compose. See the part about
D here:

 This task asks things like (more details on the rosettacode page):
 - Create new functions from preexisting functions at run-time
 - Store functions in collections
 - Use functions as arguments to other functions
 - Use functions as return values of other functions

 To do it "well enough" the D implementation doesn't want to use
std.functional.compose and defines a more dynamic one, able to use run time

 private import std.math ;
 import std.stdio ;

 T delegate(S) compose(T, U, S)(T delegate(U) f, U delegate(S) g) {
      return (S s) { return f(g(s)); };
Great! That's the signature I would expect. Except for S U T in that order ;-) (what the f**k?) Output delegate(Input) compose(Output, Median, Input) (Output delegate(Median) f, Median delegate(Input) g) { return (Input input) { return f(g(input)); }; }
 void main() {
 	// warper need as not all built-in real functions
 	// have same signature , eg pure/nothrow
 	auto sin  = delegate (real x) { return std.math.sin(x) ; } ;
 	auto asin = delegate (real x) { return std.math.asin(x) ; } ;
 	auto cos  = delegate (real x) { return std.math.cos(x) ; } ;
 	auto acos = delegate (real x) { return std.math.acos(x) ; } ;
 	auto cube = delegate (real x) { return x*x*x ; } ;
 	auto cbrt = delegate (real x) { return std.math.cbrt(x) ; } ;

 	// built-in : sin/cos/asin/acos/cbrt user:cube
 	auto fun = [sin,  cos,  cube] ;
 	auto inv = [asin, acos, cbrt] ;

 	foreach(i, f ; fun)
 		writefln("%6.3f", compose(f, inv[i])(0.5)) ;
That's the way it must be written, imo.
 You are able to write a similar program with std.functional.compose too, but
using tuples instead of arrays, this is less flexible:

 import std.stdio, std.typetuple, std.functional;
 private import std.math;

 void main() {
      // wrappers needed as not all built-in functions
      // have same signature, eg pure/nothrow
      auto sin  = (real x) { return std.math.sin(x); };
      auto asin = (real x) { return std.math.asin(x); };
      auto cos  = (real x) { return std.math.cos(x); };
      auto acos = (real x) { return std.math.acos(x); };
      auto cube = (real x) { return x ^^ 3; };
      auto cbrt = (real x) { return std.math.cbrt(x); };

      alias TypeTuple!(sin,  cos,  cube) dir;
      alias TypeTuple!(asin, acos, cbrt) inv;

      foreach (i, f; dir)
          writefln("%6.3f", compose!(f, inv[i])(0.5));

 This questions the design of std.functional.compose.
I do agree. Maybe of various other funcs and HOF's in stdlib as well. In particular, I think tuple and TypeTuple shoudl not be used by other features in Phobos, at least as long as they are not builtin features. Their manipulation complicates and obscures everything. Better to use instead arrays for collections, or structs as named tuples. Even if a struct must be defined for a single use: it's clear, simple, self-documenting thank to names; and well-known by everyone. Denis -- _________________ vita es estrany spir.wikidot.com
Feb 02 2011
prev sibling next sibling parent reply Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 2/1/11 2:53 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 On Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:27:32 bearophile wrote:
 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas).
The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be designed with performance in mind. Anything which isn't efficient needs to have a very good reason for its existence which balances out its lack of efficiency. If the Haskell implementation isn't performant enough, then it doesn't cut it for Phobos, even if it's a good fit for Haskell. - Jonathan M Davis
I think this is a bit much, though probably a good principle to live into. For example Phobos does include linear search routines that are "inefficient" - i.e. O(m * n). It also has many abstractions that are arguably not as efficient as they could be, either at high level, low level, or both. But something like foldr that uses head recursion would be indeed rather dangerous to include. Andrei
Feb 01 2011
parent Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Tuesday, February 01, 2011 13:37:44 Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 On 2/1/11 2:53 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 On Tuesday 01 February 2011 12:27:32 bearophile wrote:
 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas).
The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be designed with performance in mind. Anything which isn't efficient needs to have a very good reason for its existence which balances out its lack of efficiency. If the Haskell implementation isn't performant enough, then it doesn't cut it for Phobos, even if it's a good fit for Haskell. - Jonathan M Davis
I think this is a bit much, though probably a good principle to live into. For example Phobos does include linear search routines that are "inefficient" - i.e. O(m * n). It also has many abstractions that are arguably not as efficient as they could be, either at high level, low level, or both. But something like foldr that uses head recursion would be indeed rather dangerous to include.
Okay. Perhaps, I said it a bit too strongly, but I think that the gist of what I said is sound. Inefficient algorithms need to be bring something to the table that is worth their inefficiency. And generally, if we can reasonably make algorithms more efficient, that's something that we want to do. That's not to say that we don't have or never will have less efficient algorithms in Phobos, but they're there because they're worth what they bring, and just because an algorithm would be considered reasonable for Haskell does not necessarily mean that it would be considered reasonable for Phobos. - Jonathan M Davis
Feb 01 2011
prev sibling parent Walter Bright <newshound2 digitalmars.com> writes:
Jonathan M Davis wrote:
 The issue is that if you want something in Phobos, it _does_ need to be
 with performance in mind.
Yup, because if it isn't, it gets ridicule heaped upon it, and deservedly.
Feb 01 2011
prev sibling parent Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 2/1/11 2:27 PM, bearophile wrote:

 It's exponentially bad performance makes it short, not useful.
A program with high complexity is not a problem if you run it only on few very short examples. There is a place to care for performance (like when you design a function for Phobos) and there are places where you care for other things. I suggest top stop focusing only on a fault of a program that was not designed for performance (and if you want to start looking at the numerous good things present in Haskell. Haskell language and its implementation contains tens of good ideas). Bye, bearophile
I agree in spirit but only weakly. Cute and complexity corrupt examples such as the exponential Fibonacci, the linear space factorial, and the quicksort that is not quick and not quicksort have long misrepresented what's good about functional programming. Andrei
Feb 01 2011